
1. What are family support services?

2. What is evaluation?

3. How can we evaluate family support services?

4. Where does measuring outcomes fit?

5. Why do we want to measure outcomes in family support?

6. How, “in theory” can we measure outcomes in family support?

7. What are some of the paradoxes and dilemmas in practice? How do we respond?

8. What is realistic? Who can do what?

9. What tools are available on this site for family support services? How can they be used?

Endnote 1: Data collation and analysis

Endnote 2: Feedback and ongoing development

Endnote 3: Connections and Links

Endnote 4: Developing this guide

  Measuring Outcomes in Family Support : Practitioners' Guide Version 1.0  

Endnote 2: Feedback and ongoing development

This Practitioner’s Guide is in the process of development.

We wish to get feedback from services that use and/or modify the tools here.

Feedback and further development

We wish to update the tools in June 2004 based on the experiences of clients, family workers and services using the tools. There may be some minor updates before then.

If you use the Tools please return the contact details and feedback form which is included with the Tools.

To further develop the tools we need to know who is using them so we can contact users and talk through practice issues.

Key questions are:
Was the background information on this web site useful?
What tools did you/do you intend to use?

What modifications do you intent to make?
If this site is updated what future developments would you find useful?

Send feedback to:
Mail: Paul Bullen, PO BOX 181, Coogee, NSW 2034, Australia
Fax: Australia: 02 9315 7542
International + 61 2 9315 7542