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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Essence | 2. Aproaches | 3. Process | 4. Measuring outcomes | 5. Paradoxes
6. Examples | 7. Jargon | 8. Checklist | 9. Practice tips | 10. Resources


9. Practice tips

A. Thinking about

B. Framing an

C. Evaluation
     report outline

D. Model of service
E. Community

F. Peer review
G. Focus groups
H. Telling stories
I. Staff time use
J. Questionnaires


F. Reflecting on a human service - peer review

An important way for staff working on projects to reflect on their projects, reflect on their role in them and their own development, is to put their projects up for peer review.

There are many ways such a peer review process could work. This tool provides an outline of a suggested process and some useful questions for each phase of the process.

Several project coordinators could meet and work though the following phases and questions in relation to one project coordinator's project.

Presenting a project

Some of the documentation it may be useful to provide when presenting an project is:

  • What is the project description?
  • What was intended?
  • What has happened?

Reflecting on the project

Some useful questions may be:

  • Is this project likely to achieve the program outcomes?
  • Is this project consistent with the core values and philosophy of the program?
  • Is this project worth the effort?
  • What is most likely to make this project fail?
  • What can be done to ensure the project doesn't’t fail?

Reflecting on the facilitators role

Some useful questions may be:

  • What have been the main challenges the project coordinator has faced in this project to date?
  • How well have they been dealt with?
  • What would have had to have been different for these challenges to have been dealt with better?
  • What are the main challenges yet to be faced in this project?
  • How will the project coordinator deal with them?
  • What does the project coordinator need to most effectively deal with them?

Reflecting on the project coordinator’s future development

Some useful questions may be:

  • What are the project coordinators’s strengths?
  • What areas of the project coordinator’s skills would it be good to further develop? How?

Action required

What action is needed to address the issues emerging through the discussion?