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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Introduction | 2. Steps | 3. Practicalities | 4. Examples | 5. Client questionnaires
6. Standardized tools | 7. On-line surveys | 8. Checklists | 9. Resources

7. Online surveys

Online surveys can be used in many different kinds of ways.

Now that Internet access is wide spread on-line surveys are becoming more common.

Some advantages to online surveys (assuming all participants have internet access) include the the responses can be automatically collated and the collated responses can be viewed on-line.

Some of the disadvantages of on-line surveys are: there can be more inflexibility in the process of giving responses (for example respondents that might have written comments on the questions or written alternative responses may not be able to do so in on-line situations); spam getting into survey responses; privacy concerns; multiple responses and other technical issues.

One of the well known web sites for developing on line surveys is SurveyMonkey . Once you create an account you can design your survey, administer it and view the collated responses.

Below are some samples of on-line surveys using different structures and types of questions. These surveys can also be used as paper versions.

A. Organisational Review - To what extent does your organisation have the characteristics of a thriving organisation? This could be completed by managers, staff or other people who are very familiar with the organisation.

B. Board Review - To what extent is your Board working well and governing well? This is for board members to review their own work .

C. Staff experience of work- How do your staff experience working for your organisation? This is for staff to complete.

D. Stakeholder views of your organisation - How do other services and stakeholders perceive you? This is for other other stakeholders and services to complete.

In addition here are some further examples of on-line surveys

Staff feedback

For staff to give feedback about worker stress and how they are handling it.
Example E: CSSS/SGP Worker Survey - Worker stress

Workshop participants feedback

For workshop participants to review the quality of a workshop.
Example F: Thriving organisations workshop review

Testing knowledge

For testing knowledge of staff in on-line learning about Working with Indigenous Australians self-assessment

For testing knowledge of staff about working with people with acquired brain injury
Example H: Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury Module 1 Knowledge test taken from the site TBI Staff Training
