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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Introduction | 2.Steps | 3.Table of contents | 4. Formats and examples | 5. Resources

4. Formats and examples

0 - Format examples
Tables of contents

1- CRC Manual
2- Refuge Manual
Values and principles
3. Client rights and

4. Staff rights and

5. Board rights and

6. Beliefs and

7. Board
8. Management

9. CEO job

Service models
10. Supported

Legal frameworks
11. Duty of care
12. Privacy
Aspects of
service process

13. Worker security
    on home visits

Human resources
14. Disputes and

15. Evaluation



Example 6: Beliefs & Commitments

There is not one right way to write your organisation's statements of philosophy, beliefs, commitments. Here is one example.


Members, management committee, staff and volunteers believe that:

1. All people have equal right to the benefits and opportunities of our society.

2. Within our communities there are groups and individuals who experience disadvantage and discrimination.

3. Our local action affects local issues and concerns and in turn affects the wider community.

4. Neighbourhood and Community Centres belong to the local communities and should be accountable to them.

5. The effects of social problems can be reduced or eliminated by work on the causes of the problems (as well as the symptoms), ie prevention.

6. Neighbourhood and Community Centres should focus on the needs of local communities not just those who make it through their front doors.

7. Community development assists people to identify their needs, gain resources and have more control over their lives (empowerment).

8. Service users, staff, unpaid workers and management committee members have rights which we have a responsibility to ensure are protected.


We are committed to:

1. Working for a fairer distribution of resources and power.

2. Ensuring fair and equal access for all people to those services that are important for their quality of life.

3. Maximising the opportunities for people to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

4. Developing explicit, fairer, more comprehensive rights for all people regardless of their income and social background.

5. Local residents and groups identifying community needs, planning and developing effective services.

6. Local residents and groups taking part in the management and control of services.

7. Upholding the rights of service users, staff and volunteers.

8. Empowering service users.

9. Maintaining confidentiality and privacy in service user and staff matters.

10. Professional conduct of staff and volunteers.

11. Providing culturally relevant services.

12. Acting honestly and in good faith.

13. Acting with care and diligence.

14. Acting loyally and avoiding conflicts of interest.

15. Acting in the best interests of the organisation.

16. Exercising powers for their proper use.

17. Uphold the principles of natural justice.

Based on Ethics in Community Organisations, Published by the Local Community Services Association and written by Paul Bullen.