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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Introduction | 2.Steps | 3.Table of contents | 4. Formats and examples | 5. Resources

4. Formats and examples

0 - Format examples
Tables of contents

1- CRC Manual
2- Refuge Manual
Values and principles
3. Client rights and

4. Staff rights and

5. Board rights and

6. Beliefs and

7. Board
8. Management

9. CEO job

Service models
10. Supported

Legal frameworks
11. Duty of care
12. Privacy
Aspects of
service process

13. Worker security
    on home visits

Human resources
14. Disputes and

15. Evaluation



Example 8: Management Committee Roles and Structures

The following is an example of the roles and responsibilities of a Board and Management Committee where a Management Committee is accountable to a Board.


1. The Board of Directors:

  • Appoints the Management Committee
  • Approves an annual budget
  • Approves an annual service plan
  • Appoints the EO

Holds the Management Committee accountable for:

  • The further development of the plan
  • Implementing the plan
  • The monitoring of the plan
  • Staff support and development

Meets legal requirements of the Company

Management Committee - Meeting and Role

2. The Management Committee members must:

  • Be appointed by the Directors

3. Management Committee meetings are open. However in the event of a vote being taken only Management Committee members vote.

4. Staff may vote on staff matters that affect all staff. Staff may not vote on staff matters that only affect themselves (and not other staff).

5. The Management Committee is accountable to the Directors (ie Board members)

6. The principal roles of the Management Committee as a group are:

  • Develop a service plan
  • Develop a budget
  • Set priorities
  • Hold staff accountable for the implementation of the plan
  • Act as a sounding board for staff ideas
  • Monitor the implementation of the service plan
  • Revise service plan as appropriate
  • Staff support and development

7. In general the Management Committee does not deal with operational issues - but rather questions of policy. In general operation issues are dealt with by staff, either at a staff meeting or individually.

8. Principal Roles/responsibilities of the Management Committee members as individuals are to:

  • Have commitment to CLCs objectives
  • Read material for meetings in advance and any other relevant preparation
  • Attend Management Committee meetings
  • Attend Policy and Planning days
  • Participate in discussions
  • Participate in decisions
Management Committee Processes

9. The Chairperson and EO discuss the Management Committee meeting agenda, specific items, recommendations and priorities for discussion prior to the circulation of the Management Committee papers.

10. The Management Committee Papers usually include:

  • Agenda (including priority of items and suggested times)
  • Recommendations (Recommended decisions for consideration for each item to be discussed)
  • Background papers where appropriate.

11. The Management Committee Minutes normally record decisions and the reasons for those decisions.

12. The Management Committee meets 10 times per year for 2 hour meetings and once per year for a full day/weekend.

13. Where there is not a quorum for a meeting, should those present decide to discuss the issues and make recommendations those recommendations would be put to the next Management Committee meeting or to the Executive for ratification.


14. The Chairperson is appointed by the Management Committee for a period of 12 months.

15. The Chairperson has two principal roles in addition to the individual roles of all Management Committee members:

A Leadership Role which involves:

Pro-active work on Management Committee papers in discussion with EO prior to each meeting

A facilitating role which involves ensuring that there is effective participation and decision making at Management Committee meetings. This role includes:

  • Working through the agenda
  • Making sure that all at the meeting participate
  • Straw votes on issues where appropriate
  • Facilitating discussion of issues (use group process techniques, e.g. time to think individually, brainstorming, asking everyone for comments, putting questions for discussion)
  • Final vote/consensus
  • Clarify the decision (and wording where appropriate) for the Secretary and the Management Committee as a whole.

16. Where a vote is tied the chairperson has a casting vote.

17. The Chairperson will be paid an honorarium or $............

18. In order to facilitate communication with the EO the Chairperson is entitled to use a fax machine on loan if she/he does not normally have access to one.

The Executive

19. There is an executive of three: the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer who make key decisions between meetings as required.

20. The procedure is that the EO rings/faxes the Executive members with specific information on the issues, options and recommendations with a deadline for a decision by phone/fax.

21. The Chairperson may decide that the matter needs to be circulated to all Committee members for a phone/fax response or in very special circumstances may call a special meeting of the Committee.

Ad Hoc Sub Committees

22. The Management Committee sets up ad hoc sub committees from time to time as require. The sub committees are given specific terms of reference including a time frame.


23. The Secretary is appointed by the Management Committee for 12 months.

24. The principal roles of the Secretary are:

Ensuring that adequate Management Committee Papers are prepared and circulated prior to the Management Committee Meeting.

Ensuring that appropriate minutes are prepared which include the decisions and reasons for those decisions.


25. Staff may spend any amount already approved in the budget.

26. Expenditure items over $500 are circulated to the Management Committee meeting each month (for monitoring).

Staffing/Support Sub-Committee

27. The Staffing/Support Sub-Committee meets four five times per year (for one to one and a half hours).

28. The Membership of the sub-committee is: The Chairperson and one other member of the Management Committee plus staff.

29. The Role of the staffing support sub-committee is to:

  • Provide an opportunity for staff to reflect on how things are working;
  • Clarify staffing issues (before they become disputes);
  • Report to the Board on staffing issues;
  • Ensure there are mechanisms for monitoring work quality;
  • Ensure there are mechanisms for staff supervision;
  • Support for staff in their roles.

30. There is a standard agenda for these meetings. Standard agenda items include (among other items): time for all staff to share how their work is going; time for all staff to indicate good things, not so good things about work.

Staff Appointments Sub-Committee

31. The Management Committee appoints a Staff Appointments Sub-Committee to interview and make recommendations to the Board on staff selection and appointment. The Committee will always include more non-staff than staff members. The Committee Chairperson (a non-staff member) is responsible for decisions affecting the workings of the sub-committee and its decision making processes.

Staff Issues/Concerns

32. The EO has as one of their roles discussing any staff issues/concerns with the Chairperson so that appropriate steps can be taken to deal with/ resolve issues/concerns before they become disputes.

Staff Disputes Procedure

33. There is an agreed written staff disputes procedure. It is hoped that issues and concerns will be resolved before they become disputes.