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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Introduction | 2.Steps | 3.Table of contents | 4. Formats and examples | 5. Resources

4. Formats and examples

0 - Format examples
Tables of contents

1- CRC Manual
2- Refuge Manual
Values and principles
3. Client rights and

4. Staff rights and

5. Board rights and

6. Beliefs and

7. Board
8. Management

9. CEO job

Service models
10. Supported

Legal frameworks
11. Duty of care
12. Privacy
Aspects of
service process

13. Worker security
    on home visits

Human resources
14. Disputes and

15. Evaluation



Example 10. Supported Accommodation service process

Service Principles

All the steps in the service delivery process are undertaken within the context of the Supported Accommodation Service's commitment to client rights and service principles stated above including the clients right to make decisions that affect their daily living


The objectives of the referral process are:

  • For the potential client to be aware of the services that are offered and other possible options that may meet their needs;
  • For The Supported Accommodation Service to identify the service needs of the individual and whether The Supported Accommodation Service is the best option to meet these needs.

When an inquiry is made people are informed of the nature of the Supported Accommodation Service services and the other options that may be available to them.

If the Supported Accommodation Service has a vacancy a written referral is required highlighting the person's area of need and present living arrangements etc.

If it is felt the Supported Accommodation Service may be able to meet the individual's needs an assessment is organised which includes meeting with the client, referring body and other relevant persons.


The Supported Accommodation Service undertakes assessments of clients wishing to receive supported accommodation . The Supported Accommodation Service also undertakes assessments of clients for other service providers. The objectives are similar in both cases:

The objectives of the assessment process are:

  • For the potential client to be aware of the services that are offered and other possible options that may meet their needs;
  • For The Supported Accommodation Service to identify the service needs of the individual and whether The Supported Accommodation Service is the best option to meet these needs.

Assessments are carried out by 2 staff. The assessment process identifies the client's

Personal Support needs
Individual skills
Individual goals

We identify the services required to meet these needs and then review whether we could meet these needs within existing resources.

We also identify what other resources may be available to help fund the services required by the individual.

An individual not admitted to the Supported Accommodation Service is provided with resource material for other appropriate services that may be available. This information will depend on why admission is not an option.

After the assessment a report is written, outlining clients needs and requirements for accommodation from the clients and our perspective. Then we outline available community options and recommendations based on our experience.

Clients suitable for service by the Supported Accommodation Service are accepted on the basis of needs, resources and the least restrictive alternative.

Beginning Supported Accommodation

The initial objectives of providing supported accommodation are:

  • For the client to be established in their new home; and
  • For the client and The Supported Accommodation Service to be clear about mutual expectations.

The steps in implementing this are to:

Make an assessment of the short and long terms goals for the client;
Work with the client to find appropriate accommodation;
Assist the client in establishing their home;
Provide enough support for the transition to the clients new home to succeed; and
Clarify expectations with the client and enter into a written agreement with the client.

Ongoing supported Accommodation

The objectives for ongoing supported accommodation are for clients:

  • To increase their independence (which may in turn lessen their need for our/other support services);
  • To increase their integration within the community;
  • To enhance their relationships with family, friends and social networks;
  • To develop new skills;
  • To be involved in the decision making concerning their lives and supports;
  • To be maintained at their optimal level in the home and community.

In order to achieve these objectives the Supported Accommodation Service provides services that are responsive to the clients needs.

The service is based on individual client's needs. A large part of the service is provided in the client's own home. The service supports the clients to achieve their own goals, does not infringe their individual rights and assists in everyday problems arising from the effects of ABI.

Residents are responsible as far as possible for decision making in their own homes and for using supports that are available and appropriate.

Individual Service Plans

Because The Supported Accommodation Service intends to provide services designed to meet each residents unique needs and because residents have long term goals a case management strategy of using Individual Service Plans has been developed.

The objectives in using individual service plans are:

  • For the clients to identify their goals;
  • For the staff to adequately understand the clients situation and needs;
  • For the clients and staff to work out together a plan for achieving the clients' goals;
  • For the client and staff to have a point of reference in reviewing services;
  • For the client to reach and maintain their optimal level of functioning.
  • For the client to access appropriate generic and specific services to meet their individual needs.

Staff initially meet with the client and use an ISP Form.

The ISP will normally link the client with specific and generic services to meet their range of needs. Community access and integration is an essential component of the ISP. The ISP is reviewed 6 to 12 monthly (see below for details).

Completing Supported Accommodation

The services provided by The Supported Accommodation Service are normally long term services. Clients leave The Supported Accommodation Service because they no longer require The Supported Accommodation Service services; they require more support than is available by The Supported Accommodation Service; etc.

The objectives at completion are for the client:

  • To establish their new residence;
  • To have adequate advocacy in liaising with new services;
  • To identify a key person or service for ongoing support.

The Supported Accommodation Service negotiates with each client to determine what services are appropriate to assist clients with these objectives on completion. The Supported Accommodation Service may provide re-engagement if required.